introduction jnani raja hatha tantric kundalini laya mantra karma bhakti sufism vajrayana zen taoist



Sufism is usually associated with Islam. It has developed Bhakti to a high point with erotic imagery symbolising the unity of opposites. The subtle anatomy and microcosm-macrocosm model also found in Tantra and Taoism is used by it, dressed in its own symbols. Certain orders use ecstatic music and/or dance which reminds one of the Tantric celebration of the senses. Sometimes, the union of opposites is seen as a kind of gnosis. This is similar to Jnani Yoga.

There is no monasticism in Sufism. There is a strong notion of the need for the Sufi to be of service in the world. This emphasis is also found in Karma Yoga.

introduction jnani raja hatha tantric kundalini laya mantra karma bhakti sufism vajrayana zen taoist